JAFF Movie Night 2.3
November 11, 2019
Culture and Authority
Jaff Movie Night held on April 27, 2018 became an anticipated entertainment to film lovers in Indonesia. It is one of the programs of Yayasan Sinema Yogyakarta which is Jogja Asian Netpac Festival. This program had been held since 2017; for this year Jaff Movie Night started on February 2018 and it is the 3rd times held in Jogja Village Inn. Jaff Movie Night gives space and means for film communities to appreciate local indie films. Each months present different themes and on last April it was presenting “social culture and authority" issue. Mrs. Lija explained the theme was chose based on social issue such as how social culture has significant influence and effect on each film characters. Films with “culture theme” among them are Udhan (Tunggul Banjaransari), Seserahan (Jason Iskandar), Sepanjang Jalan Satu Arah (Bani Nasution), and Amour Du Reel (Iman Behrouzi). Meanwhile, films with “authority theme” lead to the relation of authority shaped by social and cultural structure. Among them are Pangreh The Silent Mob (Agustriansyah), Joko (Suryo Wiyogo), The Honor (Sawanya Jumchart), Urut Sewu Bercerita (Dewi Nur Aeni).
"The second slot saw someone or group using their authority for their own benefit, but acting on behalf of government institution" said Mrs. Lija as the Managing Director of Yayasan Sinema Yogyakarta.
Penulis: Febri Saputra dan Sunnora Meillisa
Editor: Jogja Village Inn
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